Hi, I am Bibhuti 10x Engineer 😎

Hello, I am a technology enthusiast and an aspiring Web Developer / Application Developer. I make stable, performant, scalable, intuitive web applications and mobile applications based on the personal or business requirements of clients. You can have look to some of my work on github. I will be launching a better version of the Portfolio site very soon. If you want to hire me or work with me, we can connect on Linkedin or you can call me. Lets make something awesome together! 🚀

PROgress Bar

Animated progress bar made using pure css and javascript

PassKey Generator

A simple password generator made using pure css and javascript.

HTML, CSS(Bootstrap v4), JS
Portfolio webpage

Clean and simple portfolio webpage made using Bootstrap, A component framework.

Dynamic cards

Html div unfold like cards with animations, JS is used to associate info with to each card.

Python, CV, Mediapipe, pyAutogui
Gesture Pointer

Uses hand gestures to control cursor without actual hardware mouse.

python, scikit, flask
Car evaluation

A machine learning model for evaluation of car, deployed using flask

This website is free of any advertisements or tracking.

Proudly runs on electricity ⚡️